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Evangeline Parish School District

Our Children, Our Schools, Our Future

Gifted & Talented

Gifted & Talented

Logo representing gifted and talented programs, featuring vibrant colors and symbols of excellence and achievement.

Gifted Program Mission

The mission of the Evangeline Parish School System is to deliver to each student the highest quality education possible for the developing mind, body, and character within a caring environment.

The gifted program embraces and promotes this vision and has specialists in gifted education at the elementary and secondary level.



A collection of colorful music notes in various shapes, representing the joy and creativity of musical expression.The program aims to develop the student’s recognition, understanding, and application of music theory in relation to, and application of music theory in relation to, and in the performance of, his or her chosen instrument. Students will explore concepts of harmony, as well as composition and arranging, improvisation, ear training, melodic dictation, transcription, electronic media and recording, music history and culture, and marketing in the music industry.



Two black theater masks displaying sad and happy expression, symbolizing the contrast between sorrow and joy in performance art.

The program fosters the development of the student’s individualized vision and personal style of expression in the performing arts through introductory and advanced training in all elements of the theatre arts, including history, theory, criticism, and aesthetic value, culminating in the production of dramatic works.

 Interested students must submit a minimum of a 3-minute recorded performance to be submitted to the school's SBLC chairperson.


Visual Art 

A palette with a paintbrush, showcasing vibrant colors ready for artistic creation.The program strives to develop the student’s natural artistic abilities through the study and application of a variety of drawing, painting, and three-dimensional art materials and techniques. While developing unique personal styles and expression in producing artwork, students are introduced to professional artistic practices, art history, theory, and criticism.



*Interested students must submit an 8-12 item art portfolio to the school's SBLC chairperson.

Gifted Characteristics

( A gifted school-aged student may display some but not all of these common traits)

  • Advanced in language skills
  • Rapid learning rate
  • Excellent memory/attention to detail
  • Good problem-solving, abstract reasoning, intellectual curiosity
  • Deep sense of fairness and moral justice
  • Heightened sensitivity/empathy / may conform to be accepted
  • Vivid imagination / keen humor / may appear inattentive
  • Perfection/ fear of failure


Talented Characteristics

A Student may be talented in Music if he/she

  • shows exceptional advanced ability in music
  • shows intense appreciation of music
  • can play a musical instrument proficiently
  • displays unique originality in singing or playing an instrument
  • perceives fine differences in sound 
  • easily remembers melodies and can reproduce them accurately
  • is sensitive to and can identify rhythmic patterns and repeat them
  • makes up original tunes
  • sings on pitch
  • sustains interest in musical activities and performances


Talented Characteristics

A Student may be talented in Theatre if he/she

  • always volunteers to help 
  • successfully mimics others, television show characters, etc. 
  • loves to perform 
  • animates facial gestures/body gestures
  • has no fear in speaking publicly 
  • expresses exceptional ideas with creativity


Talented Characteristics

A Student may be talented in Visual Art if he/she

  • uses elaborate detail when drawing
  • volunteers to draw for class 
  • is asked by other students to draw images for them 
  • independently spends free time drawing
  • draws or doodles constantly, perhaps when he/she should be doing something else
  • takes pride in their outstanding drawing abilities
  • shows exceptional abilities in identifying a variety of lines, shapes, textures, details
  • is extremely eager to work with new materials and attempts to master them creatively
  • improvises with common materials 
  • is highly critical of their artwork and can assess its strengths and weakness


Listed below is a general overview of the necessary steps for a student to qualify for the gifted or talented program

  • Parents and teacher should refer potential gifted and talented students to the School Building Level Committee (SBLC) at the student's school.
  • Students who pass initial screening will proceed to the evaluation process.
  • After passing screening for gifted the students tested for IQ, reading, language, and math aptitude.
  • After passing screening for talented the student may be evaluated in the areas of visual art, music, and theatre by state-qualified examiners.
  • Once the student meets the state's criteria for the gifted or talented program, a meeting is held for developing an individual education program (IEP) for the student.



Evangeline Parish School Board
Special Education Services

607 Harvey LeBas Drive
Ville Platte, LA 70586

Contact Information:
Suzette Miller
Phone: 337-363-6563