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Evangeline Parish School District

Our Children, Our Schools, Our Future

2021- 2022 Privacy Agreements & Addendums

2021- 2022 Privacy Agreements & Addendums

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) and Evangeline Parish School System (the LEA) are committed to protecting student data. In compliance with Louisiana Act 677, Evangeline Parish School District will provide information relative to active district contracts and data elements associated with each application. The documents listed are currently approved addendums and/or agreements utilized by the district/schools with student information. The Evangeline Parish School Board is authorized to share this information through Title 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E and FERPA.


Additionally, the legislature passed, Act 837, which provides for limitations and prohibitions on the collection and sharing of student information.


In compliance with Louisiana Act 677, Evangeline Parish School District provides this listing of all vendors in which PII information is shared for the specific purposes delineated in the chart below. 


Parents of eighth-grade Students: Please note that Act 837 requires parental consent to share student PII data with the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance and Board of Regents for students to be considered for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS). 


Individuals with complaints involving the sharing of student personally identifiable information (PII) may complete the "Evangeline Parish School System Student Privacy Complaint Form" and submit to the Office of Assistant Superintendent at 1123 Te Mamou Rd. Ville Platte, LA 70586. 


Vendor Purpose Data Elements Transferred  Files 
AHEC Federal Reporting  Name, address, phone, email of students in AHEC Program 

Privacy Ageement

Amplified IT Information will be used to automatically create student and teacher accounts in G Suite and to automatically create and maintain Google Classrooms SIS Information 

Profile Form

Privacy Agreement

A+PEL   Survey Data with student opinions for CNA Profile& Privacy Agreement
Athlos Products & Services To prepopulate the Athlos Special Education logs application to ease the data entry process for Evangelien Parish users Special Education Student Names and IEP Goals

Profile & Privacy Agreement

Athlos Products & Services Agreement

Audio Optical Systems of Austin Kurzweil Educational Software provides integrated literacy, text to speech software. Student Data Deemed necessary at School Level; Only data required for the setup of the system is requested (Student First/Last Name, Student ID number)

Privacy Agreement

Balfour Student graduation supplies Student first and last names, address, phone number Privacy Agreement
Brain POP     Privacy Agreement
Cengage     Privacy Agreement

Clever Inc. 

(Vendor contracted to upload student data for use with various programs.)

Clever Inc.

(Vendor contracted by TenMarks to upload student data for use with their program) 

Basic student demographic and rostering data 


Curriculum Associates, LLC Assessment, Instruction, Professional Development Student first and last name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity or race, student school enrollment, student grade level, teacher name, English language learner status, eligibility for free or reduced lunch price, teacher first and last name, teacher email address

Profile Form

Privacy Addendum

Crawford Photography Pictures for school portraits and JPAMS Student ID, Student First and Last Name, Teacher of Record, Grade Level 


Docusign, Inc.      Privacy Addendum
ECAA Head Start Program Information will be used to prescribe a program for teaching and learning for students with developmental delays. Student Identification for use in making refferals for evaluation 

Privacy Agreement

eLuma Teletherapy services including speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, mental health counseling and school psychology Student ID, last name, first name, zip code, gender, birth date, grade, clinician, phone, parent first/last name, parent email, case manager name, primary teacher name, primary teacher email, service details, status 

Profile Form


EDgear  EDgear provides the student information management system for the district Student Full Name, Student ID Number, Gender, Grade Level, Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language, Scores from State Assessments, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Special Education Information, Attendance, Discipline Information, Grades, Medical Information, Email Address, Lunch Status, Social Security Number  
Edgenuity  Edgenuity is a research based video course curriculum, which offers more than 185 semester-equivalent core and elective online courses for students in grades 6-12. Edgenuity can be used as core curriculum, for intervention, to recover credits, to prepare for standardized assessment and prep for some AP programs.  Student First and Last Name, Grade Level, Student Scores, Progress Reports and Final Grades  Privacy Agreement
Evangeline Parish 4-H Clubs 4-H Enrichment Programming  3rd Grade Student Demographics 

Privacy Agreement

Evangeline Parish District Attorney's Office Child Welfare/ Attendance  Information relevant to compulsory school attendance and truancy laws

Privacy Agreement

First Student  Bus Route Creation  Electronic Student Data used to prepare bus routes (Student Full Name, Parent/ Guardian Full Name, Address, Parent/ Guardian Contact Information)  
Follett School Solutions, Inc.  Follett's Destiny Library Manager is a complete library management system. It is used to check out and check in student and faculty library books. It is also used for cataloging, inventory, and compiling reports.  Student first and last name, grade level, homeroom teacher, graduation year, and student ID number 

Profile Form


Privacy Agreement

Frontline Technologies Group     Privacy Agreement
Educational Professional Services Student Enrollment numbers (no personal identifiable data) Report Enrollment to the FCC Schools & Libraries (E-Rate Program) Privacy Agreement
Focused Fitness  This information will be used for teachers to identify their classes and enter fitness data for students 

Student First and Last Name, Age, Gender, School Name, Class Name, Teacher Name, Section, Period, ID 

Privacy Agreement

Frontline Technologies Group     Privacy Agreement
Great Minds, PBC Great Minds/Edulastic collects data for the purpose of student account management and product utilization  Student and Staff email addresses, Student first and last name, passwords, curriculum course, grade, school/district associaton (rostering), assessment performance data, and product usage data 

Profile Form  & Privacy Agreement

Herff Jones, LLC Yearbooks and Related Products Full student name, graduation year, class, clubs, activities, awards and recognitions

Profile Form & Privacy Agreement

Jostens/The Grad Shoppe To mail students postcards and letters about their accounts with the company for graducation supplies, class rings, medals, awards, and/or letterman jackets  Student Full Name, Address, Phone Number 


Privacy Agreement 

LearnZillion, Inc. LearnZillion is for use by authorized users only and all users are subject to LearnZillions terms of use and privacy policy. Learnzillion safeguards any protected information received from or created by customers, in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules regulations, and policies.  Student Name, User name, password, school 

Privacy Agreement

Life Touch Lifetouch National School Studios Inc., (Lifetouch), produces and delivers to school the portrait-based products and services needed for the school’s administrative purposes and/or for use in the school yearbook. Full Name, Student ID Number, School Enrollment, Grade Level, Schedule Information Privacy Addendum
Life Share Blood Center Personal Health Information and information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood components will be used to provide quality blood and blood components and related services for use in patients Personal health and other information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood component donation 

Privacy Agreement

Louisiana High School Athletic Association 

LHSAA is the governing body for high school sports in the State of Louisiana. It oversees all eligibility, team and competition rules and regulations regarding high school sports.


The information is used to review each athlete’s eligibility status.

Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, Grade Level, Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number, Medical History  
Louisiana Restaurant Association Education Foundation Industry testing and industry certification  Student Full Name, Student Exams, Student Scores

Privacy Agreement

LSU AgCenter/4-H Youth Development Information will be used to enroll 3rd- 12th grade students in 4-H clubs  Student Demographic Information used only for enrollment 


Privacy Agreement

LSU Eunice Higher Education/Post Secondary Education Board of Regents, LSU Privacy Agreement
Marketing Education Retail Alliance/MERA Match Student Names to requested number of online courses to be granted to schools  Student names  Privacy Agreement
Parks Community Support Services Life Skills training for students in 4th, 5th, and 6th  Student birth date, Race, Gender, Physical Education Class Roster of student first and last names Privacy Agreement
PAXIS Institute    Class, Grade Level, Student First Name, Last Initial, Teacher Name, Teacher Email, School Name, School District  Privacy Agreement
Pear Deck  Google profile information is gathered to identify which participant responded to which part of the presentation  Google Login, email address, display name and given name in system Privacy Agreement
Petry Photography, LLC To organize students for school portraits and yearbook publication  Student Name, Student ID, Grade, Homeroom Teacher



Provine School Pictures  Pictures for JPAMS and yearbook if applicable   First name, last name, grade, teacher and local student ID 

Profile Fom and Privacy Agreement

Remind Parental communication, updates, alerts  Student first and last name, parent contact, parent phone number, school, district  Privacy Agreement

Renaissance Learning, Inc. 


K-12 educational software (reading, math, writing), progress-monitoring and formative assessment software, instructional materials and supplies, library materials and supplies, professional development and consulting  Student Full Name, Student ID Number, Gender, Grade Level, AR Test Scores, School Enrollment, Class Schedule 

Privacy Agreement


The Grad Shop


Sale and delivery of caps & gowns, announcements and other senior apparel  Graduate student first and last name, address, and phone number Profile Form & Privacy Agreement

The Lampo Group, LLC

DBA: Ramsey Solutions

  See Data Elements collected Policy on company website

Profile Form

Privacy Agreement     Privacy Agreement
United Blood Services Personal Health Information and information obtained during the processing of the blood and blood components will be used to provide quality blood and blood components and related services for use in patients  Personal health and other information obtained during the processing of the blood and clood component donation NO ACTIVE Agreement 
Workforce Development Board     Privacy Addendum
World Book Optional folder if user wishes to create peronal folder for storing research notes; Users may include their email address for use with re-setting passwords in the event a password is forgotten User Name, email address if applicable  Privacy Agreement
Zearn, Inc.  Zearn Math is personalized digital lessons for small group teaching based on Eureka Math and Engage NY. Zearn Math is aligned to content standards in which students complete independent digital lessons.  First Name, Last Name, Student ID, Grade, School, Username, and Password


Privacy Agreement


Zoom Zoom is a platform used to meet with students, staff, and/or staff from the safety of your own safe space.    Privacy Agreement


The following are Data Sharing Agreements as directed in Act No. 677. Please see the link below for the Louisiana Department of Education’s data-sharing agreements.


Evangeline Parish School System currently collects and shares student PII with the Louisiana Department of Education who may share PII with the following vendors for the specific purposes delineated in the chart below. The LDE is guided by Acts 837 and 677 in their contractual agreements and procedures. 


Data Sharing Agreements


Vendor  Purpose  Files 
ACT, Inc.    Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
CCAI (SER) Host and Maintain SER (Students with IEPs)  
Carasoft (GOOGLE)  


Data Sharing Agreement

College Board   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Computer Aid, Inc   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)    Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement

Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for Non-Summative Assessment 

  Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
ELPT  English Proficiency test for LEP/ELL students 

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement

Data Sharing Agreement

eScholar LLC.    Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Hoonuit I, LLC   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement

Data Sharing Agreement

Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)   

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement


Data Sharing Agreement

Louisiana Community and Technical College System (Jobs for American Graduates Program, JAG)   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
LEAP 360   State of Louisiana Privacy Addendum
Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS)   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES for NAEP, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, ICILS)   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.    Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Red-e Set Grow (DSC)  Host and Maintain Developmental Skills Checklist (DSC) data; Evaluates the skills that children develop from Pre-Kindergarten through the end of Kindergarten Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement
Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategies provides the most innovative and effective curriculum, assessment, professional development, and family connection resources to programs serving children from birth through third grade. 

Data Elements: Demographics First 

Profile Form

Data Sharing Agreement


Teaching Strategies, LLC for KEA  

Data Sharing Agreement

Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement

University of Louisiana at Lafaytette (ULL)   Addendum to Data Sharing Agreement


Please include the following: All concerns and questions related to the LDE MOUs, addendums, student privacy, and the sharing of students’ PII can be submitted to

  1. First and last name
  2. Phone number
  3. Agreement related to inquiry
  4. Questions/ Concerns