Tuition Reimbursement for Degreed Personnel
The Evangeline Parish School Board approved tuition reimbursement changes on August 21, 2024. The changes are noted below:
Tuition assistance for teachers seeking certification in core areas and Special Education are eligible for reimbursement up to $2,500 per fiscal year after successful completion of coursework excluding any finance charges or late fees.
For teachers seeking a degree in Educational Leadership, a maximum benefit of $4,000 per applicant, per fiscal year is available through Title II after successful completion of coursework excluding any finance charges or late fees.
Please note the following important guidelines for candidates seeking tuition reimbursement or with additional questions about tuition reimbursement. .
Tuition expenses already covered by a grant are NOT eligible for reimbursement.
To apply for tuition assistance funds, interested individuals should first complete the “Evangeline Parish School System Tuition Assistance Intent to Apply” and submit to the corresponding program for assistance-- Title I, Title II, or Special Education. It is your responsibility to complete this application to ensure funds are available during the fiscal year which runs from July 1- June 30th. For example, the current fiscal year runs July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025.
Tuition assistance is only available for those courses that are mandatory and required for certification. For example, if you take a course in speech pathology because it interests you, but is not part of your coursework toward the approved area of certification you are seeking reimbursement, expenses for that course will not be reimbursed.
Tuition expenses will be reimbursed until funds are exhausted. Each fiscal year an amount is budgeted and once those funds are exhausted, tuition will not be reimbursed. The “Intent to Apply” lets the corresponding department know that you will be requesting reimbursement and to hold a certain amount for the individual that completed the intent to apply. You must complete an “Evangeline Parish School System Tuition Assistance Intent to Apply” form each fiscal year in which you are seeking reimbursement.
Funds will not be reimbursed until all documentation (passing grade report, itemized receipt of payment, signed contract, request for payment form, copy of valid teaching certificate, TAT, OFAT, etc.) of individual payment and successful course completion is submitted. You MUST seek reimbursement within 30 days of receipt of grades. Please submit your grade report or transcript verifying course credit in previously approved courses, an itemized statement of tuition and mandatory fees paid by you and a completed request for payment form indicating the amount of requested reimbursement.
Those seeking tuition reimbursement for coursework toward certification in core areas can apply through Title 1 and Title II.
Those seeking tuition reimbursement for certification in special education courses can contact Title I or the SPED Department.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the appropriate funding source department.
Title I
Maryann Fontenot, Title I Director
Mary Fontenot, Title I Administrative Clerk
Title II
Connie Guillory, Title II Supervisor
Special Education
Kelli Lafleur, Special Education Director
Lisa Miller, Special Education Administrative Clerk
Tuition Reimbursement for Support Personnel working in an Instructional Capacity
The Evangeline Parish School Board approved guidelines for tuition reimbursement for instructional support staff at the October 5, 2022 board meeting. Tuition assistance for Evangeline Parish School System instructional support staff seeking certification in core areas are eligible for Tuition Assistance up to $900 per fiscal year (July 1st- June 30th) for instructional support staff that work directly with students seeking to earn a Bachelor’s degree to become a certified teacher in 4 years or less. Approved Programs & Courses Tuition assistance is only available for those courses that are mandatory and required as part of a teacher preparation program from an accredited college or university.
Colleges or universities must be accredited by an accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Louisiana Department of Education. Tuition expenses already covered by a grant are not eligible for reimbursement. To apply for Tuition assistance funds, interested individuals should first complete the “Evangeline Parish School System Tuition Assistance Intent to Apply for Instructional Support Staff” and submit to the corresponding federal program for assistance-- Title I or Title II. It is your responsibility to complete this application to ensure funds are available during the fiscal year which runs from July 1- June 30th. For example, the current fiscal year runs from July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025.
Tuition expenses will be reimbursed up to $900 until allocated funds for this program have been exhausted. Each fiscal year an amount is budgeted and once those funds are exhausted, tuition will not be reimbursed. The “Intent to Apply” lets the corresponding department know that you will be requesting reimbursement and to hold a certain amount for the individual that completed the intent to apply. You must complete the “Evangeline Parish School System Tuition Assistance Intent to Apply for Instructional Support Staff” each fiscal year in which you are seeking reimbursement.
Funds will not be reimbursed until all documentation of individual payment and successful course completion is submitted. You MUST seek reimbursement within 30 days of receipt of grades. (Please be mindful of fiscal year beginning and ending periods. If you receive grade(s) June 15th, you will not have 30 days to submit your documentation for reimbursement purposes as the fiscal year closes June 30th. In situations that are close to the close of the fiscal year, please submit paperwork immediately upon receipt of grades. Please submit your grade report or transcript verifying course credit in previously approved courses, an itemized statement of tuition fees paid by you, and a completed request for payment form indicating the amount of requested reimbursement.
EPSB will reimburse eligible, full-time support staff that work directly with students a minimum of 20 hours per calendar month in an instructional setting for pre-approved tuition expenses up to $900 per fiscal year. Reimbursement is for coursework directly related to a bachelor’s degree in a teaching program. Courses that are not consistent with the intent of this reimbursement program will be denied for reimbursement.
Grants, scholarships, or other funds which the employee does not have to repay must be disclosed when applying for Tuition Reimbursement. The Evangeline Parish School System will coordinate with these programs so the employee does not receive more than 100% reimbursement for tuition.
Applying for Reimbursement for Your Tuition
After you have completed the class/course, you must submit your Tuition Reimbursement request within 30 days of completing the class unless the course finishes in June. (Please note as June is nearing the end of the fiscal year, you must seek reimbursement immediately after receipt of passing grades for classes/courses completed in June.) The following information must be attached to your tuition request for reimbursement:
Evidence of the passing grade earned: Official grade report or transcript
A verified statement of the cost of tuition or adequate receipts that you paid for the amount you are seeking reimbursement
Request for Payment Form indicating the amount of requested reimbursement (Please allow up to 20 working days for reimbursement after submitting all relevant documentation.)
If you have any tuition reimbursement questions, please reach out to the appropriate funding source department as noted above. Certifications and credentialing questions should be directed to Assistant Superintendent Mike Lombas at
Title I
Maryann Fontenot, Title I Director
Mary Fontenot, Title I Administrative Clerk
Title II
Connie Guillory, Title II Supervisor
Mike Lombas, Assistant Superintendent